1st multiplier event in Prague, Czech Republic – Sep 2024

The first multiplier event in Prague organised by the Charles University!

The first multiplier event was organised on September 26th with a group of 13 educators from primary and secondary schools. The event took place in the computer labs at the Faculty of Education, Charles University. The participants were introduced to:  

  • Computational thinking and its relation to educational robotics and possibilities of its development in various art disciplines. 
  • Interdisciplinarity of educational robotics and art.
  • FERTILE community platform and FERTILE design methodology.

13 Czech educators from primary and secondary education, participated in the Multiplier Event held on September 26th, 2024

The presenters were:

  • Tomáš Jeřábek, assistant professor at Faculty of Education, Charles University
  • Jaroslav Novák, assistant professor at Faculty of Education, Charles University