On behalf of the consortium, the UniWA research team presented the paper “Educational Robotics along with Arts join forces to cultivate Computational Thinking” at the 13th Panhellenic/International Conference “ICT in Education” http://etpe23.cs.ihu.gr/en/.
The conference was held from September 28 to October 1, 2023, in Kavala, Greece and was organised by the Hellenic International University, in collaboration with the Hellenic Scientific Association for Information and Communication Technologies in Education (ETPE).
This paper is the consortium’s first publication presenting part of the joint study carried out in the context of the “FERTILE” project. It includes research on how Computational Thinking is integrated into the ICT and Arts subjects’ curriculums of the countries participating in the FERTILE project: the Czech Republic, Greece, Slovakia, and Spain.
Also, it showcases our research of:
(i) educators’ design ideas and the challenges they face while developing ER and Art interdisciplinary activities, and
(ii) how educators design ER activities to cultivate their students’ CT, what challenges they face, and what support they require.
The paper concludes with a critical overview of the findings and how they will drive the projects’ deliverables development, including a community platform enabling teachers to co-design and adequate training in the “FERTILE” design methodology.
Conference proceedings (tba)
Paper(camera-ready version until proceedings are available)
Presentation at the conference