Training Materials

Training Materials to get acquainted with the “FERTILE” methodology and design Artful ER projects in the “FERTILE” Community platform. 

The training materials are provided as open educational resources. The modular structure of the materials allows for adaptations to different contexts related to the level of education, the variety of robotic technologies used at the primary/secondary/vocational/university level, and the forms of Arts education (audiovisual, performing, literature) adopted in various educational curricula of the participating countries.

Robotics as an educational tool for cultivating Computational Thinking

Description: Α short overview of the “FERTILE” initiative regarding the “FERTILE” project and its objectives. Introduction to the innovative idea of integrating artful ER projects in the educational practice to promote computational thinking.

Learning Objective: To identify the “FERTILE” initiative, the idea of synthesizing Arts with Robotics to promote Computational Thinking in a blended learning context.

Type: Presentation (links in national languages) 

Materials: File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia      Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined   

Description: Presentation and Study material for teaching ER or with ER in primary,  secondary and higher education.

Learning Objective:  To recognise educational robotic kits, simulators and programming environments selecting adequate ones per educational level. 

Type: Presentations & Documents 

Materials: Overall presentation and documents as study materials per educational level.  (links in national languages) 

Teaching ER or with ER in primary education  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia       Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined  

Teaching ER or with ER in secondary education  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia      Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined   

Teaching ER or with ER in Higher education File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia    Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined  

Description: Videos presenting widely used ER technologies, including information about their technological features, programming options and indicative applications related to Arts. 

Learning Objectives:  To identify the technological features and available programming options of widely used ER kits. Also, to recognise indicative applications related to Art. 

Type: Videos (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube Captions)

Materials: Video Playlist “FERTILE project: ER technologies and indicative applications” on the “FERTILE” project YouTube channel, including  videos for (1) MakeBlock, (2) LEGO Spike, (3) Codey Rocky, (4) Arduino, (5) BeeBot, and (6) Microbit,    

Description: Study Material for Computational Thinking (CT) and the various approaches to CT skills focusing on those addressed in the context of the FERTILE project. 

Learning Objective:  To comprehend CT and the skills it involves. 

Type: Presentation and suggested tasks

Materials: (links in national languages) 

Introduction to CT  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia       Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined  

Graded tasks to practice CT skills’ identification and classification File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia     Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined      

Description:  Α video presenting learning activities developed in the context of the “FERTILE” project and outlining the CT skills cultivated.   

Learning Objective:  To comprehend how a learning activity may cultivate particular CT skills.  

Type: Video (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube Captions) 

Materials:  Video “Computational Thinking in the FERTILE Methodology”   

Description:  Collaborative tasks promoting a design mindset that caters to CT skills’ cultivation

Learning Objective:  To identify how to cultivate particular CT skills and design learning activities accordingly.

Type: Presentation, Worksheets and Quiz

Materials: (links in national languages)

Presentation organising the collaborative tasks File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia     Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka     undefined   

Worksheets  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia   Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined   

Kahoot Quiz  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia   undefined   

Interweaving Educational Robotics with Arts

Description: Report on how to organise a workshop implementing an interdisciplinary ER project (including the worksheets used).

Learning Objective: To experience how an interdisciplinary project is organised and practice combining Arts with Educational Robotics.

Type: Document describing the Workshop (links in national languages)

Materials:  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka      undefined 

Description: Video illustrating examples of how several Art forms (Painting, Music, Literature, and Scenic Arts) may be interwoven with ER.

Learning Objective: To trigger interdisciplinary ideas by considering indicative examples of how Arts and ER may be combined.

Type: Videopresentation (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube captions)

Materials: Video “Examples of combining several Art forms with Educational Robotics”  

Description: Interactive presentation for interdisciplinary project ideas of (1) Robots that perform Art, (2) Robots that create Art, (3) Artful robots, and (4) Robots that respond to Art.

Learning Objective: To trigger interdisciplinary ideas by considering exemplary projects combining Arts with ER.

Type: Presentation in Genially (links in national languages)

Materials:  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined 

Description: Collaborative tasks analysing interdisciplinary projects of Arts with ER.

Learning Objective: To analyse the interdisciplinarity between Arts and ER in exemplary projects toward formulating project ideas.

Type: Guided discussion 

Materials: (links in national languages)

Discussion organisation  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia   undefined  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka     undefined 

Description: The 1st part of a Co-design activity aiming to trigger ER and Art educators collaborate towards synthesising an interdisciplinary project idea through an adequately structured worksheet. 

Learning Objective: To generate an interdisciplinary project idea. To formulate learning objectives for both disciplines, consider the CT skills to be cultivated, choose an ER technology and define the target group (educational level).

Type: Worksheet (links in national languages)

Materials:   File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka    undefined 

Blending face-to-face with online learning in Artful Educational Robotics projects

Description: Presentation of educators’ design ideas and experience on Educational Robotics in online and blended learning contexts

Learning Objective: To identify design practices for applying Educational Robotics (ER) in online and blended contexts, and appreciate using ER simulators.

Type: Presentation (links in national languages)

Materials:  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   undefined 

Description: Videos presenting several ER simulators, including information about their technological features, programming options and indicative applications related to Arts.

Learning Objective: To identify widely used ER simulators’ technological features and available programming options. Also, to recognise indicative applications related to Art.

Type: Videos (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube captions)

Materials: Video Playlist “FERTILE project: ER simulators” on the “FERTILE” project YouTube channel, including videos for (1) UniBotics, (2) EV3 Makecode, (3) Beebot, (4) Tinkercad, Arduino, and (b) Micro:bit, Makecode.   

Description: A Video Lecture for educators explaining the main features of the “FERTILE” Community Platform (available at      

Learning Objective: To get acquainted with the main features of the “FERTILE” community platform. To recognise how to register at the platform, interact with peers, author Artful ER projects, and create classrooms enacting projects with students.

Type: Video (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube Captions) 

Materials: Video “The FERTILE community platform”    

Description: A worksheet guiding educators to explore the main functionalities of the “FERTILE” community platform, focusing on those supporting communication with peers, designing Artful ER projects, and enacting them with students.

Learning Objective: To practice several functionalities of the “FERTILE” community platform and consider its affordances.

Type: Worksheet with Practice Instructions

Materials: (links in national languages)

Worksheet    File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka    undefined 

Electronic form providing instructions and requesting feedback  File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia   undefined  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka   

The "FERTILE" design methodology and the "FERTILE" Community platform.

Description: Video introducing the “FERTILE” design methodology, a comprehensive methodology aiming to support educators in designing blended learning projects that cultivate learners’ Computational Thinking (CT) skills through the seamless integration of Educational Robotics (ER) and Arts. Presentation of its key dimensions: interdisciplinarity, blended learning and computational thinking. Elaboration on the steps involved in creating Artful ER projects. A starting point to apply the methodology!

Learning Objective: To identify the key components of the methodology, including the integration of ER and Art, the importance of CT skills, and the steps involved in the methodology. To comprehend its key dimensions (interdisciplinarity, blended learning, computational thinking) and the steps involved in creating Artful ER projects. simulators.

Type: Video

Materials: Video “The FERTILE Design Methodology(subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube Captions) 

Description: The 2ond part of a Co-design activity aiming for educators to collaboratively culminate their interdisciplinary project idea. An adequately structured worksheet guides educators to consider enriching their initial project idea by applying blended learning.

Learning Objective: To culminate the initial interdisciplinary project idea. To formulate online learning activities, consider integrating ER simulators and tools to enrich learners’ experience by applying blended learning.

Type: Worksheet (links in national languages)

Materials:   File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka    undefined 

Description: 8 video presentations of pilot Artful ER projects designed based on the “FERTILE” methodology. They overview the projects and elaborate on the rationale of applying the “FERTILE” methodology’s step sequencing to combine ER with particular Art forms in blended learning contexts toward cultivating learners’ Computational Thinking (CT) skills. Also, they present indicative implementations at associated partner schools of various educational levels.

Learning Objective: To comprehend how to design an Artful ER project based on the “FERTILE” design methodology and consider pilot implementations in various educational contexts.

Type: Videos (subtitles available in all the national languages through YouTube Captions)


  • The video RoboTerrorizing the Playgroundpresents a project combining ER with Visual Arts (Theatre) in upper-secondary education.
  • The video Educational Robotics and Anticipationpresents a project combining ER with Visual Arts (animation) in primary education.
  • The video Little Red Riding Hoodpresents a project combining ER with Performing Arts (theatre) in primary education.
  • The video Charlie and the Chocolate Factorypresents a project combining ER with Performing Arts (theatre) in upper-secondary education.
  • The video SportWatchpresents a project combining ER with Visual Arts (arts and crafts) in lower-secondary education.
  • The video The 102 languages of the child?presents a project combining ER with Visual Arts (painting) in childhood education.
  • The video Folk Songspresents a project combining ER with Performing Arts (music) in primary education.
  • The video One-stroke drawingpresents a project combining ER with Visual Arts (painting) in lower-secondary education.

All the video presentations are available in the Video Playlist “FERTILE project: Artful ER projects” on the “FERTILE” project YouTube channel.

Description: A worksheet guiding educators to analyse an Artful ER project. To analyse one of the exemplar projects, designed based on the “FERTILE” methodology. 

Learning Objective: To assess an Artful ER project’s alignment with blended learning principles, computational thinking processes and the integration of ER and Arts.

Type: Worksheet 

Materials: (links in national languages)

Worksheet    File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka    undefined 

Description: An evaluation rubric for Artful ER projects. 

Learning Objective: To assess how an Artful ER  project applies the “FERTILE” design methodology.

Type: Rubric

Materials: (links in national languages)

Evaluation Rubric as document    File:UK-US flag.png - Wikipedia  File:Flag of Slovakia.svg - Wikipedia  Greece flag: Blue and white flag & more | Greeka    undefined 

The "FERTILE" Training Material Development Procedure

The partners developed the “FERTILE” Training Materials (in English and national languages) to provide educators with the necessary means for comprehending and utilising the “FERTILE” design methodology to design Artful ER projects in the “FERTILE” community platform. 

After developing an initial version of the “FERTILE” Training Materials, the partners conducted pilot studies to evaluate them and, through educators’ feedback, applied appropriate changes and/or enrichments to their final version, which is available here.  

The milestones achieved were: 

(i) An initial version of the FERTILE training materials  (Milestone 3.1) : Released on November 2023. Available in this web page until May 2024 when it was updated to the final version.

(ii) Evaluation report of the FERTILE training materials in the pilot studies (Milestone 3.2)