The “FERTILE” consortium met at the UniWA, Athens, Greece premises on the 19th and 20th of October 2023 for the 4th Transnational Project Meeting.
The meeting agenda included:
– A workshop to test the affordances of the newly developed “FERTILE” community platform before its initial release. Discuss and provide feedback to the UVa research team developing the platform towards delivering the associated Milestone 2.2: “An initial version of the FERTILE Community Platform”.
– A workshop on enacting an Artful ER project with theatre experts to reflect on how to introduce educators to the “FERTILE” design methodology and Art education during the “FERTILE” training.
– Review the progress on developing “FERTILE” Training Materials, i.e., materials communicating the “FERTILE” initiative for an interdisciplinary approach to Educational Robotics and Arts subjects to cultivate computational thinking skills. Consider overlaps in materials and the continuity of their content.
– Discuss the forthcoming task of implementing and evaluating the “FERTILE” methodology, the platform and the training material during Pilot studies. Exchange ideas on organising pilot studies regarding participants, content and evaluation.
During this meeting, the partners had an excellent hands-on experience using the “FERTILE” platform and enacting an Artful ER project. Although they extensively collaborated online, the face-to-face modality triggered interaction and fruitful discussions.
Moreover, apart from those attending the meeting in Greece, the meeting was available for remote participation to other project participants who couldn’t be present due to personal-related issues.